Beneficiaries Breakfast

Friday 22 November

At our special beneficiaries breakfast we thanked our sponsors with certificates of appreciation and presented participants (who raised much needed FUNds for charitable organisations ) a memento of their 4-day event.

Trophies were also presented for Best Themed Car (Car 16 Fleur’s Gift); Most FUNds Raised (Car 82 Cockies Carriage); the Trailblazer (Car 69 Dusty Mavericks) and the Cubbine Cup .

We also presented cheques to our named Beneficiaries totaling a whopping $71,000! These consisted of:

The Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS); Global Hand Charity (GHC); Kids Cancer Support Group (KCSG); Kids Cancer Project (KCP); Lions Alzheimers Research Foundation; Australian Alzheimers Research Foundation (AARF); Bicycles for Humanity (BFH); 12 Buckets (12B); Australian Rotary Health (ARH) and Rotary Projects - which focus on Youth Mental Health and Kids with Cancer.

We had a great meeting with a few tears as we remembered past participants no longer with us but lots of smiles knowing we ‘did good’ for many excellent causes.

Here’s a few snapshots of those present at the breakfast!

Left to Right Top row: Geoff Kelly (Dusty Mavericks), Raelene George (GHC), Andy & Raelene (GHC), Chase Rankin & Nathan Angus (Mechanics)

2nd Row: Scott Gummery (KCP); Miranda Bakker (Best themed car); Brad, Darryl &b Richard (KCSG), Estelle Hayler & Lorrie Gray (Rotary Projects); Graham Nixon & Rob Davies (Rotary Projects)

3rd Row: ; Warwick Smith (ARH); Russell Lanyon & Mark Cenin (RFDS); Justin Walker (KCSG & BFH); Peter & Melva Stevens (past participants now d’ced)